
What are small kana called?

What are small kana called?

The “small” kana, often called chiisai kana 小さいかな, are smaller versions of normal-sized kana, for example: aa あぁ. Another name for the small kana would be sutegana 捨て仮名, although that term may sometimes refer to the okurigana 送り仮名 instead.

What are the small Japanese letters called?

The sokuon (促音) is a Japanese symbol in the form of a small hiragana or katakana tsu. In less formal language it is called chiisai tsu (小さいつ) or chiisana tsu (小さなつ), meaning “small tsu”….Appearance.

Full-sized Sokuon

What is a kana suffix?

Okurigana (送り仮名, Japanese pronunciation: [okɯɾigana], “accompanying letters”) are kana suffixes following kanji stems in Japanese written words. They serve two purposes: to inflect adjectives and verbs, and to force a particular kanji to have a specific meaning and be read a certain way.

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What is kana vs kanji?

While Kanji is logographic Chinese scripts, Kana is syllabic Japanese characters. Kanji, which was developed in China, are phonetic, ideographic and pictographic characters. When talking about kana, each character represents one syllable. A kana script comes in hiragana and katakana.

Is kanji a Kana?

All About Kana and Kanji – An Introduction to the Japanese Writing System. There are two phonetic syllabaries called kana which are used to represent syllable sounds, and there are Chinese characters used to represent meaning which in Japanese are called kanji.

How do you type small kana?

Just type texi in Katakana mode. Generally, prefixing x will generate the small variant character (useful if you need to generate ゅ, ょ or っ in isolation).

Is Kana a kanji?

Is Kana a male or female name?

Kana (given name)

Gender Female
Word/name Japanese
Meaning Different meanings depending on the kanji used