
What are some good French podcast?

What are some good French podcast?

Podcasts to Learn French

  • Coffee Break French. Coffee Break French has several seasons catered to beginning, intermediate, and advanced French learners.
  • Le Journal en Français Facile.
  • Français Authentique.
  • One Thing in a French Day.
  • Entre.
  • Affaires Sensibles.

Can I learn French by listening to podcasts?

Whether you want some quick grammar lessons or to catch up on the news in French, podcasts are a great way to practice on the go. For many people, podcasts have become a part of everyday life. For language learners, they provide a great opportunity to study even when your hands aren’t free.

How do I find French podcasts?

10 Great French Podcasts for Learning French

  1. Daily French Pod (website)
  2. Coffee Break French (iTunes – website)
  3. French (website)
  4. One Thing in a French Day (website)
  5. Learn French by Podcast (iTunes – website)
  6. Je (website)
  7. One Minute French (iTunes – website)
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What is French for podcast?

26 May 2020. The word ‘podcast’ should be replaced by the French ‘audio à la demande’ or ‘programme/émission à la demande’, or ‘service audio à la demande’.

Why is French Awesome?

First and foremost, learning French is the pleasure of learning a beautiful, rich, melodious language that is often called the language of love. French is also an analytical language that structures thought and develops critical thinking, which is a valuable skill for discussions and negotiations.

How can I listen to French speaking?

5 Easy Ways to Rapidly Improve Your French Listening Comprehension

  1. Speak as often as possible—even if you make mistakes. In my experience, this is much easier said than done.
  2. Watch movies with French subtitles.
  3. Listen to French radio programs.
  4. Take advantage of online listening resources.
  5. Keep learning vocab and grammar.

How do I get back into French?

Here’s how.

  1. Step 1: Assess and Plan. The first step is to figure out where you are right now.
  2. Step 2: Study French on Your Own. In addition to following your PwLF study plan and working with an instructor, it’s essential to study and practice on your own.
  3. Step 3: Practice with Other People.
  4. Step 4: Reassess and Regroup.
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Is Inner French free?

The podcasts are about half an hour long, and if you sign up for a free account, you can read the full transcription on his website. Hugo’s online course, Build a Strong Core, will help you overcome the intermediate plateau with a detailed roadmap of daily lessons.

How do I listen to French radio?

Most French radio stations have a website on which you can listen to them live but you may find it more practical to use one of the following apps to get access to a wider selection of stations. TuneIn to listen to most French and international radio stations. Radio France to listen to public French radio stations.