
What are some mistakes students make?

What are some mistakes students make?

Here are the 8 most common mistakes students make when it comes to their studies.

  1. You procrastinate.
  2. Your mindset is fixed (and it sucks)
  3. You eat too much processed rubbish.
  4. You don’t move enough.
  5. You skimp on sleep.
  6. You can’t find what you need to get started.
  7. You don’t answer the question properly.

Why exams are not good for students?

It causes mental stress to the students. Fear of exams makes many students in rural areas lose their interest in going to school or discontinue their studies resulting in increase in dropouts. Exams kill the spirit of learning. They do not focus on marks and grades but on the overall development of the students.

What are the five most common types of errors made on exams?

5 most common exam mistakes!

  1. Last minute cramming. How many times have you seen people stand outside an exam room pouring over their notes trying to get every last ounce of information into their brains?
  2. Getting infected by ‘Stress-merchants’
  3. Forgetting to breathe.
  4. Read that question…
  5. Running out of time.
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What to do while studying for exams?

Exam Preparation: Ten Study Tips

  1. Give yourself enough time to study. via GIPHY.
  2. Organize your study space. via GIPHY.
  3. Use flow charts and diagrams. via GIPHY.
  4. Practice on old exams. via GIPHY.
  5. Explain your answers to others. via GIPHY.
  6. Organize study groups with friends. via GIPHY.
  7. Take regular breaks. via GIPHY.
  8. Snack on brain food.

How do you avoid common exam mistakes?

Try to spend no more than that much time on each question. You can always go back later if you have time left over, but it is better to make at least some attempt at each question. For example, in a three-hour exam, if you have to write three essays, you should plan to spend an hour on each.