
What are some of the symptoms of COVID-19 in children?

What are some of the symptoms of COVID-19 in children?

Findings form the study showed that 18.8\% of the study population had symptoms such as malaise, muscle or joint pain and loss of smell or taste. Gastrointestinal symptoms including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea showed in 13.9\% of the children and 8.1\% developed dermatological symptoms such as a rash.

Can children sick with COVID-19 experience digestive symptoms?

It’s true that children with COVID-19 may experience digestive symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and nausea—all of which can cause abdominal pain. But those are just some symptoms associated with COVID-19, and among the less common. Others include: Fever or chills.

What should I do if my child has symptoms of covid-19?

Keep your family home until you talk to your doctor. If the doctor thinks your child’s symptoms could be COVID-19, everyone in the household should stay home until testing is done or symptoms are gone. Check the CDC’s website for details. Keep other people and pets in the house away from your child as much as possible.

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What happens if a student receives a positive covid-19 test result?

If the student receives a positive COVID-19 test result they should not attend school and should isolate until: At least 10 days since symptoms first appeared AND 24 hours with no fever without fever reducing medication AND Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving (see Isolate If You Are Sick for more information)

Should schools exclude students from school due to covid-19?

Excluding students from school for longer than what is typically called for in existing school policies— without considering the student’s usual health and without assessing the likelihood the student was exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 —risks repeated, long-term, and unnecessary student absence and possible unintended harm.

Can kids get coronavirus (covid-19)?

Far fewer cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) have been reported in children than in adults. Usually, the virus causes a milder illness in kids, though some children have become pretty sick. Many parents wonder what to do if their child gets sick. Here’s what you need to know.