
What are some trusted psychology websites?

What are some trusted psychology websites?

Professional Psychology Websites

  • American Psychological Association (APA)
  • National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
  • American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP)
  • American Educational Research Association (AERA)
  • Association for Psychological Science (APS)
  • National Science Digital Library.

What are reputable psychology sources?

These resources include APA PsycInfo®, an abstracts database; APA PsycArticles®, full text of APA journal articles; APA PsycBooks®, full-text books, book chapters and entries from the Encyclopedia of Psychology; APA PsycExtra®, research from outside the peer-reviewed publication; APA PsycTests®, psychological tests.

Is Psychology Today legit for finding a therapist?

Psychology Today is one of the largest online directories for therapists, psychologists and mental health providers. Many mental health providers rely on their Psychology Today profiles for a large percentage of their business. The directory is a valuable resource used by thousands of individuals to find a therapist.

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Is simply psychology reliable?

Simply Psychology uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Whenever appropriate, we also offer links to relevant third-party websites that provide additional information, source material or informed comment.

How do you find sources in psychology?

If you are working on a psychology paper and are struggling to find sources, consider following the steps below.

  1. Start by Choosing a Strong Topic.
  2. Find Basic Background Information.
  3. Use Library Catalogs to Search for Books.
  4. Utilize Online Databases to Find Periodicals.
  5. Search for Online Sources.

What are the most commonly used databases for finding research in psychology?

Major Psychology Databases

  • Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 4,650 journals, including full text for more than 3,900 peer-reviewed titles.
  • GALE Ebooks.
  • PsychInfo (EBSCO)

Is PsyBlog reliable?

PsyBlog covers mostly peer reviewed science that provides insights into how the mind works, self-improvement, mental health, habit change, happiness, intelligence, learning, memory and much more besides. After a decade and half, PsyBlog is read and trusted by millions around the world.

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What type of magazine is psychology today?

Psychology Today, American general-interest psychology magazine. It was founded in 1967 in Del Mar, Calif., by psychologist Nicholas Charney.

How reliable is psychology?

According to a study published in the latest issue of Science, only 39 out of 100 psychology papers could be repeated with similar results.

What does it mean to be verified by Psychology Today?

According to Psychology Today, verification means that your license is independently confirmed. “By joining Psychology Today, you immediately become part of a brand that clients trust. We independently confirm your license in order to designate your profile as Verified.