
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a separately excited DC generator over self-excited DC generator?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a separately excited DC generator over self-excited DC generator?

Separately excited DC generators have many advantages over self-excited DC generators. It can operate in stable condition with any field excitation and gives wide range of output voltage. The main disadvantage of these kinds of generators is that it is very expensive of providing a separate excitation source.

How do you differentiate between self-excited and separately excited DC generators?

Self-excited generator: In a self-excited generator the field winding is excited by an external DC source like a battery etc. Separately excited generator: In a separately excited generator the field poles have some residual magnetism. When the armature is rotated a small emf is induced in it.

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What is the reason why a separately excited DC generator is no longer used today?

Because it requires a separate DC power supply, the separately excited machine is usually used only when a wide range of voltage control (generator) or speed control (motor) is required.

Which generator has better voltage regulation?

In such a generator, the induced voltage on no-load would be the same as for the shunt generator because series field does not create any flux. So it behaves like DC shunt generator, which has a very good regulation.

What is the advantages of separately excited generator over self excited generator and vice versa?

The separately excited dc generators have a decided advantage over the self-excited generators – it operates in a stable condition with any field excitation. Thus a wide range of output voltage may be obtained.

How does a separately excited dc generator work?

A separately excited DC generator is the one whose field winding is supplied by an independent external DC source (like a battery). The magnitude of generated voltage depends upon the speed of rotation of armature and the field current, i.e., greater the speed and the field current, higher is the generated voltage.

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What is the practical difference between a separately excited and a shunt de motor?

A separately excited dc motor is a motor whose field circuit is supplied from a separate constant-voltage power supply, while a shunt dc motor is a motor whose field circuit gets its power directly across the armature terminals of the motor.

What type of generator can be either self excited or separately excited?

DC Generator is classified according to the methods of their field excitation. By excitation, the DC Generators are classified as Separately excited DC Generators and Self-excited DC Generators. There is also Permanent magnet type DC generators.

Which generator has very less voltage regulation?

(a) The series generator has poorest voltage regulation.

What is generator regulation?

Large AC generators commonly use a combination Exciter-Voltage Regulation system to maintain generator field current under varying electrical loads. The basic voltage regulation system is designed to automatically regulate generator output terminal voltage within close tolerances of a specified value.

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What is the advantage of self excited generator?

Advantages: It is good for variable speed control. The field can be connected to a constant voltage source to ensure full torque is available at all speeds. The armature can be connected to a variable voltage DC source to achieve speed control.

How does a separately excited generator work?