
What are the advantages of using Page Object Model POM framework in Selenium?

What are the advantages of using Page Object Model POM framework in Selenium?

Advantages of POM

  • It makes ease in maintaining the code (flow in the UI is separated from verification)
  • Makes code readable (Methods get more realistic names)
  • Makes the code reusable (object repository is independent of test cases)
  • The Code becomes less and optimised.

What is Page object model and page factory?

A Page Object Model is a test design pattern which says organize page objects as per pages in such a way that scripts and page objects can be differentiated easily. Page Object Model is a design approach while PageFactory is a class which provides implementation of Page Object Model design approach.

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What is the use of PageFactory initElements?

The initElements is a static method of PageFactory class which is used to initialize all the web elements located by @FindBy annotation. Thus, instantiating the Page classes easily.

What are the disadvantages of pom?

Disadvantages of POM

  • All locators should be kept in page class file.
  • And this abstraction leads to some chaos within the Page Class file.
  • Requires quite good programming skills to design the automation suite (+ or – depending on the programming skills of the team).

What are the advantages of design patterns in selenium automation testing?

This has a few different advantages:

  • Code Reuse: You can reuse the page specific class in every test and don’t need to copy and paste any page specific code.
  • Maintainability: If a page changes you only need to apply the necessary changes to one class and not in every test case separately.

What are limitations of using PageFactory?

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It restricts the usage where you need to use By type. When an web element is found then it is stored in a variable of type WebElement. Because of limitations of PageFactory , every web elements need to have type as WebElemen or List. If PageFactory does not find element, it throws NoSuchElementException.

What is the use of Page Object model?

Page Object Model, also known as POM, is a design pattern in Selenium that creates an object repository for storing all web elements. It is useful in reducing code duplication and improves test case maintenance. In Page Object Model, consider each web page of an application as a class file.

What is the difference between POM XML and page object model?

Selenium WebDriver provides a class called PageFactory which helps to assist Page Object of Design patterns….Difference between POM and PageFactory :

S.No. POM PageFactory
4. ‘By’ annotation is used to define page objects. It uses annotation ‘FindBy’ to describe page objects.