
What are the career options in PCM with physical education?

What are the career options in PCM with physical education?

which career should i take with pcm and physical education after 12th other than engineering and

  • Pharmacy.
  • Biotechnology.
  • Astrology.
  • Astronomy.
  • Computer science / IT/ BCA.
  • BPT ( Bachelors in physical training)
  • Genetics.
  • Medical lab technician.

Is PCM with physical education good?

The best advantage of taking P. Ed with PCM is that you can score well in Board exams because you don’t have to give much time to study P. Ed , you can write much by yourself . But if there are any chances that you want to have to study computer in future , its better that you pursue it from this instance.

What is the scope in teaching in physical education?

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A career in physical education can lead you to a wide range of career options; from being a part of the chosen sport, health clubs, sports goods manufacturer, marketing, commentator, sports journalist, trainer, and many other similar options.

Is PE better than CS?

It would be better if you go for Computer Science as it is better than any other subject if you wanna be software engineer you get basics right and get a lot of knowledge about programming. You can opt for PE if you are more of sports guy and marks are your priority as its easier to score in PE than in CS.

Should I take IP PE?

ANSWER (1) In my view IP is a more better option than Physical Education because for any student having computer knowledge is good. But, if you want to take less burden as you are already studying PCM then you can select Physical Education also.

Is Ctet compulsory for physical education teacher?

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Ed. or Bachelor of Physical Education is an undergraduate academic course dealing with the development and care for the human body. So, there is no eligibility for ctet now. Right now there is no need of ctet for a Physical Teacher. Graduation marks should be improved.

How do I get a job in physical education?

  1. Step 1: Pursue a Bachelor’s Course. The very first step in building a career in this field is to enrol in an undergraduate course.
  2. Step 2: Enroll in a Master Level Physical Education Course.
  3. Step 3: Get Certified.
  4. Step 4: Gain Work Experience.