
What are the conditions necessary for a planet to have a strong magnetic field?

What are the conditions necessary for a planet to have a strong magnetic field?

What are the conditions necessary for a terrestrial planet to have a strong magnetic field? Both a molten metallic core and reasonably fast rotation. The eruption of molten rock from a planet’s interior to its surface.

Why does earth have the strongest magnetic field among the terrestrial worlds quizlet?

Why does Earth have the strongest magnetic field among the terrestrial worlds? It is the only one that has both a partially molten metallic core and reasonably rapid rotation.

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Which characteristic of a terrestrial world is most important in determining a terrestrial planet’s geological activity and destiny?

Based on all we know about the terrestrial worlds, what single factor appears to play the most important role in a terrestrial planet’s geological destiny? Size determines how long the planet can retain internal heat, which drives geological activity.

What do we mean when we say that the terrestrial worlds underwent differentiation What do we mean when we say that the terrestrial worlds underwent differentiation?

What do we mean when we say that the terrestrial worlds underwent differentiation? When their interiors were molten, denser materials sank toward their centers and lighter materials rose toward their surfaces.

What are the three requirements to be a planet?

It says a planet must do three things:

  • It must orbit a star (in our cosmic neighborhood, the Sun).
  • It must be big enough to have enough gravity to force it into a spherical shape.
  • It must be big enough that its gravity cleared away any other objects of a similar size near its orbit around the Sun.
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What does Earth have the strongest magnetic field among the terrestrial worlds?

It is the only one that has both a partially molten metallic core and reasonably rapid rotation. Why does Earth have the strongest magnetic field among the terrestrial worlds? Its rotation is too slow.

Which of the terrestrial worlds has the strongest magnetic field which of the terrestrial worlds has the strongest magnetic field?

Which of the four terrestrial planets has the strongest magnetic field, Mars, Mercury, Venus, or Earth? The Earth, by far. The four giant planets have rather strong magnetic fields. Amongst the terrestrial planets, only the Earth has a moderately strong magnetic field, but weaker than those of the giant planets.

What determines the geological destiny of a terrestrial planet?

Based on all we know about the terrestrial worlds, what single factor appears to play the most important role in a terrestrial planet’s geological destiny? The higher the albedo, the more light the surface reflects, and the less it absorbs.

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What is the most important factor in determining if a terrestrial planet has liquid surface water?

What is the most important factor in determining if a terrestrial planet has liquid surface water? A planet’s distance from the Sun. Why is the Earth’s core composed of mostly metals (like iron and nickel)? Iron and nickel are the densest elements.

What are two important processes in heating the interiors of the terrestrial worlds?

A terrestrial world’s lithosphere is ________. The two most important processes in heating the interiors of the terrestrial worlds are: (1) Heat deposited by the process of formation; (2) heat released by radioactive decay.

What are the two main processes which heat the interiors of terrestrial planets?

The major processes that heat the interiors of the terrestrial worlds are…

  • Heat deposited as the planets were built from planetesimals.
  • Heat deposited as the planets underwent differentiation.
  • Heat released by radioactive decay.