
What are the differences between a rural lifestyle and an urban lifestyle?

What are the differences between a rural lifestyle and an urban lifestyle?

The life in urban areas is fast and complicated, whereas rural life is simple and relaxed. The Urban settlement includes cities and towns. On the other hand, the rural settlement includes villages and hamlets. In contrast, the primary occupation of rural people is agriculture and animal husbandry.

How can technology help in bridging the rural urban gaps in countries?

Third, and most promisingly, digital technology can help close the rural-urban economic gap by allowing rural populations to participate in long-term productivity enhancing systems, including education, finance, and healthcare.

How is life different in rural areas?

A rural areas population density is very low. Many people live in a city, or urban area. Their homes and businesses are located very close to one another. In a rural area, there are fewer people, and their homes and businesses are located far away from one another.

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What is the difference between urbanization and modernization?

Urbanization brings about social and cultural changes in community life, which also correspond to modernization. It can even be seen in the rural areas, which have greater exposure to the other dimensions of modernization, such as industrialization, education, communication and transportation.

What is difference rural and urban?

Rural area or countryside is a geographic area that is located outside towns and cities. Cities, towns and suburbs are classified as Urban areas. Typically, Urban areas have high population density and rural areas have low population density.

What are the differences between rural and urban?

“Urban area” can refer to towns, cities, and suburbs. An urban area includes the city itself, as well as the surrounding areas. Rural areas are the opposite of urban areas. Rural areas, often called “the country,” have low population density and large amounts of undeveloped land.

How would you bridge the gap between urban and rural areas?

Bridging the rural‐urban divide by ensuring facilities and services. Stimulating local economic development while focussing on reduction in poverty and unemployment in rural areas. Attracting investment in rural areas.

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How are computer going to bridge the urban and rural divided?

(d) How are computers going to bridge the urban and rural divide? (i) villages too would use computers for self governance. (ii) panchayatas will learn to use computers. (iii) Village children can easily get admissions in city schools and. (iv) Village banks will get linked to urban banks​

How is urban life better than rural life?

Less Crime: Cities experience more crime than either suburban or rural environments. Though actual crime rates can vary greatly based on location, this makes suburbs fairly safe to live in. Clean and Peaceful Environment: Much like rural communities, the suburbs offer a clean, calm environment.

How Urbanization supports the idea of modernization of society?

The process of urbanization is also the goal of modernization. The growth of urbanization results in the development of the world economy, and contributes the emerging level of industrialization. According to the general view, the expansion of the industrial sector will create an increase in urban population.