
What are the differences between India and Australia?

What are the differences between India and Australia?

India vs Australia

Basis of difference India Australia
Economic Strength India is a developing country and trying to maintain economical and growth conditions. Higher GDP shows the economic strength of country.
Economic Differences India is 70.7\% cheaper than Australia. Average expenditure in Australia is higher.

Why is India important to Australia?

India was Australia’s seventh-largest trading partner and sixth-largest export market in 2020, driven by coal and international education. People-to-people links underpin the relationship, with the size of the Indian diaspora growing along with its contributions to Australia’s economy and multicultural landscape.

Is life in India better than Australia?

Australia will indeed prove a better living standard for you as it is a developed country. However, this also means a higher cost of living. In India, the quality of life may not be up to the mark, but you can still live a comfortable life given you are earning adequately.

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Does India rely on Australia?

India is Australia’s seventh-largest trading partner and our fifth-largest export market. Major exports to India include coal, copper and gold; major imports from India include refined petroleum, pearls and gems, and medicaments.

Is Australia poor than India?

make 85.7\% less money. Australia has a GDP per capita of $50,400 as of 2017, while in India, the GDP per capita is $7,200 as of 2017.

Is India a good country to move to?

The survey says India is among the best 25 countries to live in 2020. India has moved two places up in the survey, conducted by the US News and the World Report in association with the Wharton School of the US, over its 2019 ranking. It was ranked 27 last year.

Is India rich than Australia?

Australia has a GDP per capita of $50,400 as of 2017, while in India, the GDP per capita is $7,200 as of 2017.

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