
What are the factors that could have influenced the author in the writing of the document?

What are the factors that could have influenced the author in the writing of the document?

Many factors affect authors’ backgrounds. These can include age, gender, geographic location, ethnicity, cultural experiences, religious experiences, social standing, personal wealth, sexuality, political beliefs, parents, peers, level of education, personal experience, and others.

How does an author’s background affect their writing?

In the same way, an author is influenced by his past when he writes. Gender, race and socioeconomic status also have a huge impact on his writing. Therefore, the more you know about the author, the better you can understand the messages central to his body of work.

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What do you think are the things that influence a writer?

Their interests (what they’d like to do) and their needs (what they must do) will affect their decision about choosing a particular topic, the points they make in that document, and the evidence they use to support their points. Writers’ values and beliefs will also influence their document.

What is the relationship between the writer and the audience?

The relationship between writer and audience is called a rhetorical situation. Speaking with others, we receive feedback telling us whether or not people understand our conversations. Facial expressions, changes in body language, and comments they make give us valuable information in communicating.

How does a writer write?

A writer is a person who uses written words in different styles and techniques to communicate ideas. Some writers may use images (drawing, painting, graphics) or multimedia to augment their writing. In rare instances, creative writers are able to communicate their ideas via music as well as words.

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Can your own experiences affect your writing?

Our emotions, trains of thought, and past experiences are what make us dynamic writers. Your life experience can impact your writing in a magnificent way, so welcome that possibility. You never know where it will lead you.

Who is a famous author?


Author Min. estimated sales Number of books
William Shakespeare 2 billion 42
Agatha Christie 2 billion 85
Barbara Cartland 500 million 723
Danielle Steel 500 million 179