
What are the OLQs for SSB?

What are the OLQs for SSB?

Breaking the code of SSB Psychology [Book] Broadly defined, these personal qualities (PQs) or Officer Like Qualities(OLQs) as they are called in Indian context refer to traits, states, needs, motives, goals, attitudes, interests, determining tendencies and general dispositions towards personal/social situations.

What are the 15 OLQs?

The 15 OLQ’s are

  • Effective Intelligence.
  • Reasoning Ability.
  • Organizing ability.
  • Power of Expression.
  • Social Adaptability.
  • Co-operation.
  • Sense of Responsibility.
  • Initiative.

How do I generate 15 OLQs in Smash Bros?

15 Officer Like Qualities

  1. Effective Intelligence.
  2. Reasoning Ability.
  3. Power Of Expression.
  4. Organizing Ability.
  5. Social Adaptability.
  6. Sense of Responsibility.
  7. Co-operation.
  8. Self Confidence.

How can I improve my OLQ?

To inculcate this quality, you must start observing things and think in a practical manner. Try to find solution to every situation easy or difficult in a very practical way without seeking help from others. Meditation, solving puzzles and mind games can help you in developing this quality to an acceptable level.

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What are OLQ qualities?

Officer Like Qualities(OLQs) in the Indian context refers to qualities, states, needs, motives, aims, attitudes, interests, determining tendencies and general temperaments towards personal/social circumstances that an individual might possess or reflect in a situation.

How do you inculcate OLQ?

How can I improve my personality in SSB?

32 Secrets To Improve Your Personality For SSB Interview

  1. Concentrate on one thing at a time.
  2. Do not blame others when things go wrong.
  3. Show an interest in what other people say.
  4. Cultivate a sense of wit and humour.
  5. Be optimistic and cheerful.
  6. Have a good moral character.
  7. Try to avoid making others feel inferior.

What is OLQs?

Jun 5, 2020 · 4 min read. Officer Like Qualities(OLQs) in the Indian context refers to qualities, states, needs, motives, aims, attitudes, interests, determining tendencies and general temperaments towards personal/social circumstances that an individual might possess or reflect in a situation.

How do you grow OLQs?

Speak with men who have good speaking skills, have a Good Dictionary and of course listen to English news and songs. Social Adaptability: This requires your hearty co-operation. Try to meet and speak with people. Try to shed your shyness.