
What are the posts in Group 2 Tnpsc?

What are the posts in Group 2 Tnpsc?

TNPSC Group 2 Vacancy 2021-22

  • Revenue Assistant in the Revenue Department in various Revenue Units.
  • Executive Officer, Grade-II in Town Panchayat Department Tirunelveli District.
  • Audit Assistant in the accounts branch of Highways Department.
  • Handloom Inspector in Handlooms and Textiles Department.

How many posts are there in Group 2?

APPSC Group 2 Exam Eligibility Details

S.No Name of the Post Age Limit
Executive Posts
1 Municipal Commissioner Grade-III in A.P. Municipal Commissioner Sub. Service 18 to 42 years
2 Asst. Commercial Tax Officer in A.P. Commercial Taxes Sub-Service 18 to 42 years
3 Deputy Tahsildar in A.P. Revenue Subordinate Service 18 to 42 years

What are the posts in Group 2a?

Among these posts Deputy Commercial Tax Officer and Sub Registrar, Grade II designations are highly competitive and most of the candidates wish to achieve. While talking about salary all posts comes under Pay Band-2 which is Rs. 9300-34800/- per month, except the Revenue Inspector and Executive Officer designations.

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What are the posts in Tspsc Group 2?

Post-wise TSPSC Group 2 Salary details are as follows:

  • Municipal Commissioner Grade-III: Rs.
  • Assistant Commercial Tax Officer/Sub-Registrar Grade-II: Rs.
  • Extension Officer: Rs.
  • Prohibition and Excise Sub Inspector: Rs.
  • Deputy Tahsildar: Rs.
  • Assistant Registrar: Rs.
  • Executive Officer Grade-I/Assistant Labour officer: Rs.

How many attempts are there in Tnpsc Group 2?

Important Links

Age 18-30 years for all posts except, Sub Registrar Grade II- 20 to 30 years Probation officer- 22 to 30 years Junior Employment Officer(Differently abled)- 18 to 40 years.
Nationality Indian
Number of Attempts Till the maximum age of eligibility is attained.
Experience No prior experience required.

What is Group 2 A?

At the same time, TNPSC Group 2(A) are non-interview posts where candidates will be trained as per their performance on the written exams which are the preliminary and the mains TNPSC Group 2 2022 exams. Exam. Prelims.

Is VAO and tahsildar same?

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The last and least unit of the revenue administration is the ‘Village’ called as a ‘Revenue Village’. managed by a Village Administrative Officer [VAO]. The Taluk is administered by Tehsildar, also called as Revenue Administrator.