
What are the pros and cons of a raw dog food diet?

What are the pros and cons of a raw dog food diet?

Pros and Cons of Raw Dog Food

Pros of feeding the raw dog food Cons of feeding the raw dog food
The raw food diet helps in getting the smaller and firm stool. Dogs can also suffer from diarrhea and bowel constructions because of eating raw dog food.

Why do vets recommend against raw diet?

The American Kennel Club (AKC), American Veterinary Medical Association and other groups discourage pet owners from feeding dogs raw or unprocessed meat, eggs and milk. Raw meat and dairy can carry pathogens, like E. coli, listeria and salmonella, which can make pets and people sick or even cause death.

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Is it better to feed dogs raw meat than dog food?

Raw food enthusiasts claim the diet has given their pets more energy, and healthier skin and fur. The bones in a raw food diet can be good for your dog’s dental health. And meat is more nutrient-dense, leading to smaller poops. But making complete raw diets from scratch takes a lot of work.

Is raw meat diet healthy for dogs?

A raw food diet for dogs consists of uncooked meats, raw eggs, and whole or ground bones. But raw food could be contaminated and lead to bacterial infections that compromise your dog’s —and your own—health. Feeding your dog raw food could also lead to your pup having nutritional deficiencies.

What are the disadvantages of a raw diet for dogs?

Disadvantages of Going Raw

  • it’s expensive. ​Feeding your dog raw food is expensive.
  • there’s a significant risk of contagion. Raw meat contains bacteria and parasites.
  • it’s easy to end up with a nutritional imbalance.
  • preparing the food is time consuming.
  • you need tons of freezer space.
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Should I stop feeding my dog raw food?

The American Veterinary Medical Association opposes the unregulated feeding of raw foods and discourages “the feeding to cats and dogs of any animal-source protein that has not first been subjected to a process to eliminate pathogens, because of the risk of illness to cats and dogs, as well as humans.”

How long do dogs live on raw food?

The comprehensive research found that dogs on a commercially-prepared processed food diet have an average lifespan of 10.4 years, while dogs given a diet of home-made raw food can reach an average lifespan of 13.1 years.

Should I switch my dog to a raw food diet?

With healthy young dogs, the rapid method is typically the simplest and most successful. However, for older pets that have been eating commercial foods all their life or dogs with gastrointestinal problems, a slower transition is recommended.