
What are the pros of bipolar?

What are the pros of bipolar?

Here are some of the elements of bipolar disorder that are considered advantages, for a brief period: Productivity. People with bipolar disorder sleep less as they become manic and have more energy. As a result, they are often more productive than their peers, at least for a while.

Can Bipolars be successful?

People with bipolar disorder can live a good life, be happy and be successful—just like anybody else. In fact, you might be surprised to find out that some of the greatest and most creative minds have had bipolar disorder. Some of their greatest work has been done during their darkest times.

Are Bipolars capable of loving?

“People with bipolar disorder are entitled to the human experiences that anybody else could have—like falling in love,” says David H. Brendel, MD, PhD, medical director of the Mood Disorders Program at Walden Behavioral Care in Massachusetts.

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Can mania be a good thing?

Most dangerous of all, mania can make you do things that risk your life or the lives of others. And it’s often followed by depression. Although mania can feel good at the moment, in the long run, you’ll be happier, healthier, more productive, and more successful if you can keep a stable mood.

Are people with bipolar more attractive?

Bipolar disorder is a severe mental health condition. But in recent years it has become the one mental health diagnosis that patients are willing to accept. Research shows that to some people it has actually become “desirable” when compared with other mood disorders.

Can a bipolar person hold a job?

There are many challenges related to having bipolar disorder and keeping a job. However, experts say that work can actually be quite helpful to people with bipolar disorder. Work can give people a sense of structure, reduce depression, and increase confidence.

Can falling in love trigger bipolar?

For manic and hypomanic episodes, participants indicated the most common triggers were falling in love, recreational stimulant use, and starting a new creative project. Other triggers were: partying all night, going on vacation, and times of personal growth.