
What are the requirements for active directory?

What are the requirements for active directory?

What Do You Need to Install Active Directory?

  • An NTFS partition with enough free space.
  • An Administrator’s username and password.
  • The correct operating system version.
  • A NIC.
  • Properly configured TCP/IP (IP address, subnet mask and – optional – default gateway)

What is SMB in domain controller?

Server Message Block (SMB) is a critical component for any Microsoft-oriented networking environment. That’s why hardening SMB is one of the critical steps in securing Active Directory Domain Controllers.

Do I need Windows Server for Active Directory?

Desktops, laptops and other devices running Windows (rather than Windows Server) can be part of an Active Directory environment but they do not run AD DS. AD DS relies on several established protocols and standards, including LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), Kerberos and DNS (Domain Name System).

How much RAM do I need for ad server?

Recommended: 16 GB Based on an estimate of growth of 33\%, 16 GB would be a reasonable amount of RAM to put in a physical server.

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Is SMB required for domain controller?

Workstations and domain member servers need the workstation service (also SMB) to access the domain controller to run logon scripts etc.

Do domain controllers use SMB?

the answer is simple, all SMB servers. Domain controllers are a good example, client computers and member servers use SMB to access SYSVOL and NETLOGON shares to apply group policy, so domain controllers are servers to audit. All of them are running Windows Server 2012 R2.

Why do I need an Active Directory server?

A server running Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) is called a domain controller . It authenticates and authorises all users and computers in a Windows domain type network—assigning and enforcing security policies for all computers and installing or updating software.

How much storage do I need for active directory?


Active Directory role 250 MB
Active Directory database 4 KB per object (excluding photos)
Active Directory logs 22MB
Active Directory System Volume Any files you store in the SYSVOL share
Active Directory System Volume 2MB per Group Policy object

How many domain controllers do I need for 1000 users?

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( If a site contains between 1,000 and 10,000 users in a particular domain, you should place at least two domain controllers for the domain in the site. ( For each 5,000 additional users a site contains for a domain, you should place an additional domain controller for the domain in the site.

What happens if I disable SMB1?

Disabling SMBv1 without thoroughly testing for SMBv1 traffic in your environment can have unintended consequences, up to and including a complete suspension of all network services, denied access to all resources, and remote authentication failures (like LDAP).

How do I disable SMB v1 on domain controller?

To disable SMBv1 on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10: In Control Panel, select Programs and Features. Under Control Panel Home, select Turn Windows features on or off to open the Windows Features box.

Does Active Directory require SMB2 signing?

If applying the Group Policy Object across an Active Directory domain, apply the updated policy to the appropriate scope and wait for systems to pull the new policy before using Nmap to validate that SMB2 signing is required. Requiring SMB2 signing is an easy win for Active Directory security.

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Do I need Azure AD Connect for Azure files SMB?

You need also Azure Active Directory to manage Azure Files SMB permissions so Azure AD Connect is a requirement. The advantage of using Active Directory authentication over SMB for Azure file shares is that you can set NTFS permissions with your own groups or users.

How do I enable or disable SMB protocols on an SMB server?

To enable or disable SMB protocols on an SMB Server that is running Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008, use Windows PowerShell or Registry Editor. This method requires PowerShell 2.0 or later version of PowerShell. Default configuration = Enabled (No registry key is created), so no SMB1 value will be returned

How do I remove SMB file sharing support from a server?

On the Select destination server page under Server Pool, ensure that the server you want to remove the feature from is selected, and then select Next. On the Remove server roles page, select Next. On the Remove features page, clear the check box for SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support and select Next.