
What are words that trigger people?

What are words that trigger people?

They are: joy, surprise, trust, fear, anticipation, anger, sadness, and disgust. This palette of human emotions can be used to attract the attention of your audience and make them want to learn more.

Why does a certain word trigger me?

There are 3 main reasons why we get triggered by certain words, people and situations: Opposing beliefs and values. When we strongly believe in something, we find it hard to agree or accept alternate or opposing views. Beliefs in general give us a sense of safety, security.

What are the most triggering things?

Specific phrases, odors, or sounds can all be triggers for people who have experienced traumatic events, such as:

  • rape.
  • military conflict.
  • physical assault.
  • emotional abuse.
  • loss of a loved one.
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What is a positive trigger word?

Positive emotional trigger words: These words typically stir good emotions like delight or elation. They are useful because they can cause readers to associate positive ideas, memories, and feelings with your brand. Transactional trigger words: These words spark a reader to take an action and do something.

What are trigger verbs?

verb. triggered; triggering\ ˈtri-​g(ə-​)riŋ \ Definition of trigger (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1a : to release or activate by means of a trigger especially : to fire by pulling a mechanical trigger trigger a rifle.

What is the synonym of triggered?

verb. 1’the incident triggered an acrimonious debate’ precipitate, prompt, trigger off, set off, spark, spark off, touch off, stimulate, provoke, stir up, fan the flames of. cause, give rise to, lead to, set in motion, occasion, be the cause of, bring about, generate, engender, begin, start, initiate. literary enkindle.

What is a good trigger word?

List Of 101 Trigger Words

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Personal Authority Safety
Deadline Burned Craving
Now Conspiracy Longing
Today Cruel Thirst
Easy Exposed Mystery

What is a trigger word in speech?

In psychology, trigger words are phrases that prompt a certain reaction or remind us of a particular memory. Once they caught our eye, trigger words are to persuade us to undertake a certain action: a purchase, a share, a like, or simply – a click.