
What book does Rand cleanse taint?

What book does Rand cleanse taint?

Winter’s Heart
The cleansing of saidin was a world-altering event that occurred at the climax of Winter’s Heart and was felt throughout the entire world by channelers. In 1000 NE, Rand al’Thor made an extraordinary claim: he believed he had discovered how to cleanse the Dark One’s 3,000-year-old taint on saidin.

Who died at Shadar Logoth?

The Battle of Shadar Logoth was an unqualified rout for the Shadow. Cadsuane’s little band of channelers not only successfully defended Rand and Nynaeve from half a dozen Forsaken, but gave the bad guys a fair ass-kicking while they were at it, killing one FS (Osan’gar) and driving off the rest.

Who died in the cleansing of Saidin?

Strangely, she felt no fear. After the battle, the remaining Forsaken realized that they had failed and retreated. Though the company suffered a number of casualties, Kumira and Eben were the only fatalities.

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Who is on the cover of winter’s heart?

Winter’s Heart

Original cover of Winter’s Heart, showing Perrin Aybara leading Annoura, Balwer and Gaul
Author Robert Jordan
Series The Wheel of Time
Genre Fantasy
Publisher Tor Books (U.S.) & Orbit (UK)

Who is Mordeth?

Origins. Mordeth was originally a good man devoted to destroying the Shadow. He went in search of many powers, including the Finn. Unfortunately, he found a number of dark things, including the power of Mashadar, which would ultimately corrupt him and define the rest of his life.

Is Rand crazy in Wheel of Time?

Rand, Lews Therin and Madness. Lews Therin Telemon in his final moments of madness. Given the nature of the Taint, it should be inevitable that Rand suffer from madness in the same way all male channelers have since the Breaking of the World.

What book does Rand go to Dragonmount?

The Gathering Storm
The Gathering Storm (novel)

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Original cover of The Gathering Storm featuring Rand al’Thor with Aviendha in front of a burnt out manor.
Author Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
Pages 783 (hardcover)
ISBN 0-7653-0230-6
OCLC 318422996