
What books should I read before nursing school?

What books should I read before nursing school?

Books for Student Nurses

  • How to Succeed in Nursing School.
  • The Ultimate Guide to Getting into Nursing School.
  • Barron’s Nursing School Entrance Exams.
  • How to Survive & Maybe Even Love Nursing School.
  • The Everything New Nurse Book.

What textbooks do nursing students use?

Nursing Textbooks

  • Saunders Comprehensive Review for NCLEX-RN Examination – With Access.
  • Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses – With 2 Access.
  • Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 1 and Volume 2.
  • Fundamentals of Nursing – Text Only.
  • Nursing Diagnosis Handbook.

What books do I need for nursing?

1 Introduction to the Human Body -Tortora 2015.

  • 2 The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures-2015.
  • 3 Beginning Reflective Practice- Jasper 2013.
  • 4 The Study Skills Handbook- Cottrell 2013.
  • 5 Health Promotion for Nurses: Theory and Practice – Piper 2009.
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    What books are needed for nursing?

    ₹1,150.00. Textbook Of Pediatrics 2Ed (Hb 2017)

  • ₹1,395.00. Clinical Nursing Procedures: The Art of Nursing Practice.
  • ₹595.00. Midwifery Casebook: A Practical Record of Maternal and Newborn Nursing for BSc Nursing Students.
  • ₹1,525.00. MIDWIFERY AND Obstetrical Nursing 2019.
  • ₹315.00.
  • ₹1,025.00.
  • ₹650.00.
  • What is a good pre nursing GPA?

    3.9 average GPA in pre nursing core & 3.89 overall minimum GPA. 86\% average TEAS composite score. Fall 2018: 40-45 are typically admitted Courses with substandard grades C- or below can be repeated once; grades will be averaged.

    Should I highlight my nursing books?

    Your syllabus will inform you about the reading assignments, so make sure to read the chapter before class, not after it. This will give you a foundation you can build on during lecture. Tip #4: Highlight or underline anything you feel is important, or jot down a few extra notes on your lecture notes.

    How do you skim read a textbook?

    How to Skim Text

    1. Know what you want.
    2. Read vertically as well as horizontally.
    3. Think like the author.
    4. Preread before you start skimming.
    5. Try to detect the main idea in the introductory paragraphs.
    6. Read the first sentence in each paragraph.
    7. Don’t necessarily read complete sentences.
    8. Skip examples and proofs.
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    How do you take notes from a nursing textbook?

    How to Take Notes in Nursing School

    1. Choose Your Methods Carefully.
    2. Sit at the Front of the Class.
    3. Don’t Write Word-for-Word.
    4. Use Colored Pens or Highlighters when Reviewing.
    5. Pay Attention to Things Teachers Emphasize.
    6. Create a Date and Headings for all Notes.
    7. Review or Rewrite Your Notes After Class.