
What can I do with my Philips CPAP recall?

What can I do with my Philips CPAP recall?

What to Do If Your CPAP Has Been Recalled. The FDA recommends people using a recalled Philips CPAP machine talk to their medical provider to discuss their treatment options. In September 2021, Philips began replacing PE-PUR foam in recalled machines with a silicone foam.

How is Medicare handling the Philips CPAP recall?

If the equipment is more than 5 years old, Medicare will help pay for a replacement. Important: Register your recalled equipment with Philips so they know you need a replacement, and can provide information on the next steps for a permanent corrective solution.

How do I know if my Philips DreamStation is recalled?

How Do I Know if My CPAP Is Recalled?

  1. Locate the serial number of your device. The label on the bottom of the unit features a series of letters and numbers that follow the SN or S/N on the label.
  2. Go to Philips Respironics recall website.
  3. Complete the registration form.
  4. Watch for confirmation.
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Why is the DreamStation being recalled?

1, 2021: Philips received authorization from the FDA to begin repairing affected first-generation DreamStation devices, which includes replacing the sound abatement foam that has lead to possible health issues for patients and was the cause of a June recall of millions of sleep apnea and ventilator devices.

Should I stop using my CPAP machine because of recall?

Philips has identified the following to be among the potential health risks of using a recalled device: airway inflammation; skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritation (including upper airway irritation); headache; asthma; toxic carcinogenic effects; cough; chest pressure; or sinus infection, and has recommended for …

Should I stop using my Philips CPAP?

Patients with mild forms of sleep disordered breathing, who do not have other major health problems or significant sleepiness may elect to discontinue using their device as recommended by Philips, but should contact their ordering provider if they are not comfortable doing so, or wish to discuss management options.

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How do I dispose of a recalled CPAP machine?

Yes. Recycle them by donating them to those in need. There are a variety of places that will accept used CPAP machines, such as the American Sleep Association, and the donation is even eligible for a tax letter for your records. Just be sure to include the value of your machine and cost of shipping for tax purposes.

Is Philips Respironics DreamStation being recalled?

The recall is in response to potential health risks related to the sound abatement foam component in these devices. The majority of the affected devices are in the first-generation DreamStation product family.

How do I register my CPAP for recall?

Register affected devices on the recall website, The website provides current information on the status of the recall and how to receive permanent corrective action to address the two issues.

What CPAP machines have been recalled?

FDA Actions The FDA reviewed and concurred with Philips’ Respironics plan for recalled DreamStation CPAP and BiPAP machines, specifically DreamStation CPAP; Pro, Auto (All Configurations), Dream Station BiPAP; Pro, Auto (All Configurations) and DreamStation ST, ASV, AVAPS (All Configurations).

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Are Philips CPAP machines being recalled?

Philips Respironics is recalling the following affected devices manufactured between 2009 and April 26, 2021….Ventilators.

Device Type Model Name and Number (All Serial Numbers)
Continuous Ventilator, Non-life Supporting A-Series BiPAP A40 A-Series BiPAP A30