
What can I substitute for 1/2 cup of shortening?

What can I substitute for 1/2 cup of shortening?

If your recipe calls for 1/2 cup of shortening, you could substitute 1/2 cup and 1 tablespoon of margarine instead. It’s pretty simple, just remember to add a little extra margarine to give you the most similar results. If you’re baking, using margarine as a substitute is our closest recommendation.

Can I use olive oil instead of vegetable shortening?

If you want to use a healthy alternative to shortening then olive oil is a great choice. Olive oil works very similarly to shortening which is why it is an excellent substitute.

How do I substitute butter for shortening?

No matter what you’re using, use the same amount called for in your recipe. In other words, it should be a one-to-one swap. If your recipe calls for one cup of butter, you can use one cup of shortening and vice versa.

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Can I use butter instead of vegetable shortening?

The answer is yes, butter or shortening can be used interchangeably in baked goods and can be used as a one-to-one swap. Butter contains 80\% butterfat and about 20\% water (naturally occurring). Shortening is 100\% hydrogenated vegetable oil and contains no water.

How do you make homemade vegetable shortening?

Combine the butter and margarine (or oil) in a mixing bowl. Beat on medium speed until the ingredients are completely combined. Use immediately or store in a covered container in the refrigerator for up to 1 month. Use anywhere shortening is called for.

What is a healthy alternative to shortening?

Banana puree, applesauce or prune purees are healthy substitutions for vegetable shortening. Although the flavors may be slightly different, you will become accustomed to the difference.

When a recipe calls for shortening?

6 Best Shortening Substitutes That You Likely Already Have in Your Fridge

  1. Shortening Substitute: Butter. YelenaYemchukGetty Images.
  2. Shortening Substitute: Coconut Oil.
  3. Shortening Substitute: Margarine.
  4. Shortening Substitute: Lard.
  5. Shortening Substitute: Vegetable Oil.
  6. Shortening Substitute: Vegan Butter.
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Can ghee replace shortening?

CLEAR ALTERNATIVE: Ghee, a type of clarified butter (which you can make or buy), can be subbed for shortening in pie dough.

Which is worse for you butter or shortening?

Butter is slightly more nutritious than shortening. Using fat in your baked goods helps keep them moist and tender. While butter and shortening have similar nutritional profiles, you’ll be better off using butter since it provides more vitamins and doesn’t contain trans fats.