
What can I use instead of Bootstrap?

What can I use instead of Bootstrap?

Best Bootstrap Alternatives

  • Foundation. The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.
  • Bulma. Bulma is is a CSS framework heavily inspired by Bootstrap and based on the modern Flexible Box Module, usually referred to as flexbox.
  • Tailwind CSS.
  • HTML5 Boilerplate.
  • Material UI.
  • Metro UI.
  • UIKit.
  • Materialize.

Why should I not use Bootstrap?

First off, Bootstrap supports far too many anti-patterns. An anti-pattern is a design idea that seem good, is reproduced often, but generally are bad ideas for a website. First off, Bootstrap does not give you a truly responsive design.

Is Bootstrap good for front end?

Bootstrap is an intuitive and powerful front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. Its collection of HTML, CSS, and JS components facilitates faster and easier development of websites and web applications.

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Do professional Web designers use bootstrap?

Yes,If not all, at least few web designers use bootstrap. *We will be able to use dozens of CSS components.

Do professional sites use bootstrap?

yes, actually bootstrap is from Twitter and now Twitter is built on bootstrap or at least some parts. Coders like to build and use our own tools to save time, those frameworks are like tool boxes created by professionals, and you can change anything inside if you need.

Is Bootstrap still used in 2021?

With the rise of JavaScript front-end frameworks and an ever-changing landscape of technology and tools, a lot of folks are out there asking if Bootstrap is still relevant in 2021. The short answer is yes.

What are the disadvantages of Bootstrap?

The Disadvantages of Bootstrap are: Styles are verbose and can lead to lots of output in HTML which is not needed. JavaScript is tied to jQuery and is one of the commonest library which thus leaves most of the plugins unused. Non-compliant HTML.