
What can mold Earth do 5E?

What can mold Earth do 5E?

You choose a portion of dirt or stone that you can see within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube. If you target an area of loose earth, you can instantaneously excavate it, move it along the ground, and deposit it up to 5 feet away. …

Can you use mold Earth to dig a tunnel?

you can only use it up to 30 feet out. you can only move the earth 5 feet at a time, and it has to be loose dirt. So, you’d need to take a shovel, and loosen up all the dirt anyways.

Can you dig with mold Earth?

You are right However, remember that mold earth is only able to excavate loose earth.

Is mold Earth a Druid Cantrip?

Overview. Mold Earth is a Cantrip for Druids, Sorcerer’s, and Wizards, and was introduced in 5E with the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion.

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What can you do with mold Earth?

mold earth is a cantrip – you want shape stone. while the spell can affect stone it is mainly cosmetic and/or to create temporary difficult terrain. You choose a portion of dirt or stone that you can see within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube.

How do you use water shapes?

The most obvious way to use Shape Water offensively is to drop something heavy on a creature. A 5-foot cube of ice weighs just under 7,800 pounds. For comparison, a typical sedan weighs somwhere around 3500 pounds. Consider dropping two of them on top of someone without the advantage of “crumple sections”.

How fast is mold earth?

Mold earth makes this doable in 12-18 minutes. Oh and throw in bear traps in the 2ft section Incase they manage to get across the pit(Bridge?) then try to crawl to the fire and stop it.

Can mold Earth make stairs?

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No. From D&D Beyond the Mold earth spell description is: You choose a portion of dirt or stone that you can see within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube.

What can you do with mold earth?

Is mold earth permanent?

Along with its other elemental cousin cantrips, Mold Earth is something of an odd-ball. Some effects of Mold Earth are permanent. Move Earth’s targets are common in most game settings; loose earth and stone (for some effects).

Can Druids change Cantrips?

According to the rules, druids pick Cantrips and can never change them, but they can add more as they increase in level. But a lot of DMs allow spell casters to swap out Cantrips when they go up in level.