
What can replace Flutter?

What can replace Flutter?

Top Alternatives to Flutter

  • React Native. React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native.
  • Xamarin. Xamarin’s Mono-based products enable .
  • Android SDK.
  • Java.
  • Kotlin.
  • React.
  • Swift.
  • Ionic.

Which platform is better for Flutter?

The Best Cross-Platform Frameworks

React Native Flutter
Performance Great Excellent
Popularity * 42\% (stable) 39\% (9\% ↑)
Languages JavaScript Dart
Code reusability 90\% 80\%

Is Google Flutter any good?

Flutter, a framework developed and supported by Google, is another technology worth considering. Flutter is great for 2D mobile apps that are meant to run both on iOS and Android. It is also a smart choice for interactive apps that you want to run on desktop or web pages.

Does Google use Flutter?

Flutter is supported and used by Google, trusted by well-known brands around the world, and maintained by a community of global developers.

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Which is better ionic or Flutter?

Ionic framework is comparatively easier to learn as compared to Flutter. You need to know Dart to understand Flutter while Ionic has web technologies which makes it easier to understand. Moreover, with the support from Google, Flutter is growing as some of the best developers in the world are opting for it.

Why xamarin is better than Flutter?

Xamarin brings a lot of benefits associated with a mature framework, but Flutter manages to keep up with its strong community-focused approach. The best cross-platform framework for your development project will always depend on your use case and the goals and requirements of your project.

Can I use Python in Flutter?

A new flutter plugin project, which supports flutter to interact with other scripting languages such as python, java, ruby, golang, rust, etc. It is easy to use, supports android and ios platform.