
What can we use instead of petrol?

What can we use instead of petrol?

6 alternatives to petrol

  • Biodiesel. Biodiesel is a renewable fuel which can be made from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled restaurant grease.
  • Electricity. Electric cars have been around a while but so far have struggled to enter the mass market.
  • Ethanol.
  • Hydrogen.
  • Natural Gas.
  • Propane.

What will be the future fuel for cars?

The car of the near future is the hybrid gasoline–electric vehicle, because it can reduce gasoline consumption and greenhouse gas emissions 30 to 50\% with no change in vehicle class and hence no loss of jobs or compromise on safety or performance. It will likely become the dominant vehicle platform by the year 2020.

Why is there a need for alternative fuels?

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Alternative fuels are derived from sources other than petroleum. Most are produced domestically, reducing our dependence on imported oil, and some are derived from renewable sources. Often, they produce less pollution than gasoline or diesel. It produces less greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than gasoline or diesel.

What Can cars run on?

Types of Fuel for Cars

  • Gasoline. Gasoline is the most common automobile fuel and is used all over the world to power cars, motorcycles, scooters, boats, lawnmowers, and other machinery.
  • Diesel Fuel.
  • Bio-diesel.
  • Ethanol.

Why are alternative fuels called green energy?

Alternative fuels (or ‘green energy’) refer to energy sources that are constantly replenished on a day to day basis, as opposed to fossil fuels, which take millions of years to replenish. Such ‘green energy’ sources include tidal, wind, geothermal and solar energy.

Can we use 100 ethanol to run a car?

Flex fuel engines refers to those engines that can run any ratio of blended ethanol right from E20 up to 100 percent ethanol.