
What could be a use for a substance that has a low specific heat support your answer?

What could be a use for a substance that has a low specific heat support your answer?

Metals such as iron have low specific heat. It doesn’t take much energy to raise their temperature. That’s why a metal spoon heats up quickly when placed in a cup of hot coffee. Sand also has a relatively low specific heat….Variation in Specific Heat.

Substance Specific Heat (J/kg•K)
water 4180

What is an example of a substance with a low heat capacity?

Heat capacity is related to a substance’s ability to retain heat and the rate at which it will heat up or cool. For example, a substance with a low heat capacity, such as iron , will heat and cool quickly, while a substance with a high heat capacity, such as water , heats and cools slowly.

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What does an element with low heat capacity do?

So, a high value means that it takes MORE energy to raise (or lower) its temperature. A low value means that it does not take very much energy to heat or cool it. Adding heat to a “low specific heat” compound will increase its temperature much more quickly than adding heat to a high specific heat compound.

What can specific heat capacity be used for?

The specific heat capacity indicates the ability of a substance to store heat. This substance size corresponds to the amount of heat needed to heat a certain amount of a substance by one Kelvin. It is characteristic of each substance and can be used to identify materials.

Why do metals have low specific heat?

Metal atoms in pure metal are very close together and are able to transfer heat easily via conduction from one atom exciting the other atoms next to it. So the amount of energy it takes to heat a metal is relatively small to that of water for example.

What are some other uses of substances with high specific heat?

Cooking utensils

  • Cooking utensils are made of metal which has low specific heat capacity so that it need less heat to raise up the temperature.
  • Handles of cooking utensils are made of substances with high specific heat capacities so that its temperature won’t become too high even if it absorbs large amount of heat.
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What is low specific heat capacity?

A substance with a low specific heat requires relatively little heat to raise its temperature (copper has a low specific heat). 21.6 Specific Heat Capacity.

Why do metals have low specific heat capacity?

Which element has the lowest specific heat capacity?

Mercury has a low specific heat capacity . Therefore it does not take much heat from the body whose temperature is to be measured. Otherwise it will lower the temperature of the body.

Does water have a low specific heat?

Specific heat is defined by the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance 1 degree Celsius (°C). Water has a high specific heat, meaning it takes more energy to increase the temperature of water compared to other substances.

Why does gold have such a low specific heat?

Gold has a much higher atomic weight than aluminum, so its specific heat is lower.

What are the uses of substances with low specific heat capacity?

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There are many uses for substances with low specific heat capacities For making cooking pans and pots. Since these substances have low heat capacity they get heated quicker. Eg:- Metals. Thermometer should have substances with low specific heat capacity to measure the temperature.

What is specificspecific heat?

Specific heat, also known as specific heat capacity, is a quantity ascribed to substances that measure how easy it is to raise the temperature of a substance, or rather, how much heat does a certain mass of a substance contain given its temperature.

Why do cooking utensils have low specific heat?

The cool water flows back to the engine again to capture more heat and this cycle is repeated continuously. Cooking utensils are made of metal which has low specific heat capacity so that it need less heat to raise up the temperature.

What are the uses of sub substances in cooking?

Substances having a small specific heat capacity, are very useful as material in cooking instruments such as frying pans, pots, kettles and so on, because, they can be quickly heated up even when small amount oh heat is supplied. 3.