
What did Mongols do to people who surrendered?

What did Mongols do to people who surrendered?

The Mongols killed people who resisted. Cities that forced a long siege, or worse, killed a Mongol commander, would see their houses looted and citizens enslaved. Those who surrendered quickly would, for the most part, be spared.

Did Genghis Khan offer surrender?

Strategy. Genghis Khan, birth name Temujin, and his generals and successors preferred to offer their enemies the chance to surrender without resistance to avoid war, to become vassals by sending tribute, accepting Mongol residents and/or contributing troops.

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Why did many towns surrender to the Mongols without a fight?

Why did many towns surrender to the Mongols without a fight? They heard rumors about how the Mongols treated those who stood up to them. What did those who ruled do after Genghis Khan died?

Why was Genghis Khan so successful in battle?

A combination of training, tactics, discipline, intelligence and constantly adapting new tactics gave the Mongol army its savage edge against the slower, heavier armies of the times. The Mongols lost very few battles, and they usually returned to fight again another day, winning the second time around.

What about the Mongols frightened many towns into surrendering to the Mongols without a fight?

People heard about the terrible things the Mongols did to those who stood up to them. The rumors about the Mongols’ cruelty frightened people. After hearing such terrible stories, many towns surrendered to the Mongols without a fight. The Mongols conquered much of Asia.

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Why did Cities often surrender the moment the Mongols arrived?

That might have worked, too except there happened to be a typhoon. Also, people were terrified of the Mongols. Often cities would surrender the moment the Mongols arrived, just to escape slaughter.

What do you think drove Genghis Khan to conquer a great empire explain your answer quizlet?

What do you think drove Genghis Khan to conquer a great empire? He was driven by anger because when he was 9 years old the Tatars poisoned his father. For a time, his family lived in poverty.

What policy did the Mongols have that encourage enemies to surrender instead of fight?

When they came up against an inaccessible city or fortress, the Mongols set up a blockade in order to starve an enemy into surrendering.

What is the reason the Mongols came to dominate the world?

Owing to their adaptability, their skill in communications, and their reputation for ferocity, the Mongols swept across Eurasia over the 13th and 14th centuries, quickly assembling the largest contiguous empire in world history.