
What do farmers do to improve yields?

What do farmers do to improve yields?

It’s key for farmers to practice crop rotation as part of a strategy to increase crop yield. Planting an alternating crop helps diversify the demands placed on your soil. Crop rotation results in crops that yield more and consistently produce, so be sure to limit corn-over-corn planting in your fields.

What should be kept in mind to get good yield of crops?

Consider these 9 tips, techniques, and methods regarding how to increase your corn crop yield

  • Plant Early, Plant Effectively.
  • Practice Seasonal Soil Rotation.
  • Know The Yield Potential.
  • Always Scout Your Fields.
  • Ensure Proper Water Drainage.
  • Utilize Fertilizers.
  • Test Your Soil.
  • Weed Early and Often.
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How do you increase yield in maize?

Maize yield is increased by establishing the correct number of plants to create and maintain an efficient green leaf canopy and then maximising the number of grains per cob and the weight of each grain. This requires a balanced crop nutrition programme including all macro and micronutrients.

What are the factors to be considered to get more yield from a plant?

Factors Influencing Yield

  • Planting Date. More or less nodes. Total leaf areas (Stronger canopy) Nodulation development.
  • Soil Preparation. Compaction (Depth and width or root footprint) pH (Nutrient availability, Rhizobia bacteria population)
  • Bean Selection. High-yielding product. Row width (Narrow or bushy bean)

What do the farmers do with their yield?

In agriculture, the yield is a measurement of the amount of a crop grown, The more grain or fodder a farmer can produce, the more draft animals such as horses and oxen could be …

How do we increase the yields of crops and livestock?


  1. By including better crop management like mixed farming, crop and fodder yield.
  2. By improved varieties of seeds and cropping practices.It can improve the yield of crops which indirectly provides improved food for livestock.
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How do you increase maize yield per acre?

Spacing, planting density and rotation with other crops help increase maize yield by minimizing disease, pest and weed incidence. Weed control is essential to ensure a good, competitive start and pest and disease control will minimize damage to root and productive leaf area.

What is the most important factor of agricultural production?

The main factors of production are natural resources (land, water, soil, rainfall), labour and capital. These are different products produced by farmers, each of which uses inputs to produce outputs.

What are the factors affecting farming?

affect farming. Climatic factors such as light, water and rainfall, temperature, air, relative humidity and wind also affect farming. Physical factors such as topography/relief, soil and climate affect farming. Technology affects farming.

What do you understand by crop yield?

The amount of plant crop (such as cereal, grain or legume) harvested per unit area for a given time. Supplement. In agriculture, the crop yield is a measure of the grains or dry matter quantity in a particular area. It is usually expressed in kilograms per hectare (or metric ton per hectare).