
What do the Yuuzhan Vong look like?

What do the Yuuzhan Vong look like?

Yuuzhan Vong had sloping, almost ridge-like foreheads. Several Yuuzhan Vong had been seen with pointed ears, while just as many had been seen without them. These could have been ritual mutilations, or a genetic variation; there is no conclusive evidence as to what the species’ norm was.

Did the emperor know about the Yuuzhan Vong?

Although it was not known for sure if the upper echelons of the Imperial government knew about the Yuuzhan Vong, Emperor Palpatine retained a degree of knowledge of the “Far Outsiders”, and justified the accelerated growth of the Imperial Military after the Clone Wars as preparation to combat extra-galactic threats.

Are the Yuuzhan Vong canon in Star Wars?

The Yuuzhan Vong were an alien species featured in the Extended Universe (now known as “Legends” and not considered canon). They invaded the newly formed New Republic after the events of Return of the Jedi. They exist outside the force, and thus had a potent advantage over the Jedi and nearly defeated them.

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Who died in the Yuuzhan Vong war?

The planet was different from most worlds as it was alive. For a time, the Yuuzhan Vong lived in peace on there world until they would be caught into a war between two sentient droid species….About.

Beginning 25 ABY
Outcome Pyrrhic Alliance, Imperial and Jedi victory
Casualties and Loses Up to 365 trillion beings dead

Will the Yuuzhan Vong return?

Unfortunately, The Clone Wars was canceled before a script had been produced. The Yuuzhan Vong were left as nothing more than “Legends.” But now, six years on from Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm, they may be returning… in some form.

Who kills Chewbacca?

Chewbacca left the ship to bring Anakin back. Though he succeeded, the Wookiee was unable to get himself back on board, and he ended up getting crushed to death by the planet as Han and Anakin were forced to flee.