
What do you do with old PC parts?

What do you do with old PC parts?

If you’re ready to be rid of your old parts, don’t just toss them. Sell them on eBay or Amazon to help offset the cost of a new computer. Better yet, put them to use.

Why are there so many refurbished computers?

Refurbished computers are computer systems that can no longer be sold as new. Often, this is because someone returned the computer either due to a human error or a simple lack of use. Computers may even be considered refurbished because they were defective, had small cosmetic issues, or came from a canceled order.

Is there a market for old motherboards?

The older motherboards such as the ones used in telecommunication equipment and server cabinets contain comparatively larger quantities of gold in them, thus making them worth more money. Still, motherboards are considered to be one of the most valuable part, scrapping of which will earn good money for you.

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Can you sell used CPU?

If you have bulk amounts (50+) broken processors you can either look to sell them to recyclers for the precious metal value or you can contact exIT to see if we might be able to fix them and get you more money.

Are refurbished processors good?

While components like CPUs and speakers are almost always safe to buy refurbished (they either work or they don’t), other parts have a more limited life or more potential points of failure. Hard drives and SSDs are generally fine to buy refurbished.

How much is a scrap motherboard worth?

Scrap Motherboard Price

Region Price
North America, US East Coast $2.50 per Lb
US Midwest, US West Coast $2.50 per Lb

How much is scrap computer boards worth?

Circuit Boards

Circuit Boards LB
Small Socket / Metal Socket Motherboard COLORED (no batteries) $1.90
Finger Board Trimmed/Devalued – Mid Grade High $2.15
Finger Boards (Only need to remove OVERSIZED heatsinks, battery… metal bracket is OK) $4.25
Dual Socket Server Boards – Large Socket $4.75