
What do you understand by public personnel administration?

What do you understand by public personnel administration?

‘Personnel’ refers to employees in an organization; it includes all levels of employees (superiors and subordinates). This Course is about ‘Public Personnel Administration’ – i.e. the management of employees in the public (government) sector.

Why public personnel administration is important?

Personnel administration is the collective concern towards the human resources of an organization. Therefore, the human resource policies pertaining to recruitment, training and development of human resource skills gains importance in today’s competitive market.

What are the objectives in Public Personnel Administration?

Dirks observes that “the objectives of personnel administration include the utilization of human resources effectively, establishment and maintenance of productive and self-respecting working relationships among the participant and attainment of maximum individual development of the members in the organization”.

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What is public personnel administration PDF?

Public Personnel Administration. Personnel administration (also called human resources management and human capital management) encompasses all activities related to people in organizations. It entails the use of human resources to accomplish. an organization’s objectives as efficiently and effectively as possible.

What is public personnel administration in the Philippines?

Public Personnel Administration refers to the entire spectrum of a public organization’s management of human resources from recruitment to retirement. At the helm of Public Personnel Administration in the Local Government Unit (LGU) is the Local Chief Executive (LCE).

What are the types of personnel administration?

Broadly speaking, we’ve identified three types of personnel management – strategic, tactical, and operational.

  • Strategic personnel management. Strategic personnel management primarily focuses on current and future staffing needs.
  • Tactical personnel management.
  • Operational personnel management.

What is the process of personnel administration?

According to them: ‘Public personnel administration is the process of acquiring and developing skilled employees and of retaining them to put forth their best efforts’.

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What is personnel administration example?

Personnel administration specialists handle and organize paperwork for the company, especially documents relating to employees. For example, personnel administration specialists keep record of benefits information, tax forms like W-4s, and contracts for each employee.