
What does +33 mean before a phone number?

What does +33 mean before a phone number?

France Country Code 33 Country Code FR.

How do you call a +33 number?

To call France, simply:

  1. Dial the international access code for your country: for North America, this is 011; for the UK and other European countries, dial 00.
  2. Dial country code: 33.
  3. Dial the phone number, excluding the 0 at the beginning of the number (9 digits)

How are phone numbers in France written?

French people usually state phone numbers as a sequence of five double-digit numbers, e.g., 0x xx xx xx xx (and not, for example, 0 xxx-xxx-xxx or 0xxx-xx-xxxx or 0xx-xxx-xxxx).

What do French mobile numbers begin with?

France also has two separate area codes just for mobile phones. Regardless of the region, if you’re dialing a mobile phone, the area code will be 06 or 07. For example, if calling a mobile phone from outside France, you’d dial +33, then 6 or 7, and the 8-digit mobile number.

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What are French numbers?

Numbers in French: 1-20

Number In French Pronunciation
2 deux duh
3 trois twah
4 quatre KAT-ruh
5 cinq sank

What is the dialing code for France?

France/Dialing codes

How do I dial Paris?

Dial the international code 00 followed by 33 for France, then the number without the first 0. Example for a Paris number: 00 33 1 40 00 00 00.

What is France phone number?

What is the number two in French?

French Numbers 1-100 Posted by Transparent Language on Sep 15, 2009 in Vocabulary

0 zéro [zay-ro]
2 deux [duhr]
3 trois [twa]
4 quatre [katr]
5 cinq [sank]