
What does belay mean military?

What does belay mean military?

In the sea services (Navy, Marines, Coast Guard), “belay” means to ignore a foregoing statement or order that a person has given. If it’s an order, only the person giving the order or someone above him or her can belay an order.

What does it mean to belay that order?

to stop or cease
Belay that order! (intransitive, nautical) The general command to stop or cease.

What does NSTC stand for military?

Naval Service Training Command
Part of Naval Education and Training Command
HQ Naval Station Great Lakes, Illinois
Nickname(s) NETC

What do Marines say army stands for?

Acronym. Definition. ARMY. Ain’t Ready for the Marines Yet. ARMY.

Can you belay a heavier person?

The short answer to the question: Yes, you absolutely can belay someone heavier than you top rope. Top rope climbing is a lot safer than lead climbing when it comes to belaying, as you usually never take an uncontrolled fall.

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Who says belay?

In a traditional climbing exercise, your belayer, who is probably standing next to you at the base of your route’s first pitch, lets you know that he is ready and that it is safe for you to climb by loudly saying “on belay.” This means that the belayer has uncoiled the rope at the cliff base, has tied himself to an …

What does lab stand for Military?

United States Army Research Laboratory

Army Research Laboratory
Branch Army
Type Research and development
Garrison/HQ Adelphi, Maryland

What does Recon mean in the military?

Reconnaissance is a mission to obtain information by visual observation or other detection methods, about the activities and resources of an enemy or potential enemy, or about the meteorologic, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics of a particular area. Reconnaissance (US Army FM 7-92; Chap.

Can a woman belay a man?

The short answer to the question: Yes, you absolutely can belay someone heavier than you top rope. Read more about it in detail in this post. Top rope climbing is a lot safer than lead climbing when it comes to belaying, as you usually never take an uncontrolled fall.

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How much weight does an auto belay take off?

The TRUBLUE auto belay system uses magnetic braking and has a minimum/maximum weight of 22 and 330 lbs respectively.