
What does Bravo translate to in English?

What does Bravo translate to in English?

Bravo/brava is an adjective with various meanings in Spanish. We use it when we want to say someone is brave or courageous. In some Spanish-speaking countries, however, bravo/brava is also used as a synonym for angry, mad or upset. This adjective can also help us describe the world around us by meaning rough or fierce.

What country do they say bravo?

So in Italy, we say “bravo” to a man and “brava” to a woman and so also in the plural (“bravi”, “brave”).

What language uses Bravo?

Italian word of the day: ‘Bravo’

Does Bravo mean assassin?

a daring bandit, assassin, or murderer, especially one hired to steal or murder for another. a word used in communications to represent the letter B. verb (used without object), bra·voed, bra·vo·ing. to shout “bravo!”

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Is Bravo French or Italian?

Bravo/a is Italian and Spanish. In Italian,it means “good job” when it is used as an exclamation. As an adjective, it means being particularly good at something. Lui è molto bravo in storia!

How do you reply to Bravo?

What should I says when someone says “bravo”? – Quora. Just think in the mood and respond in the Italian Grazie Would be the appropriate response. The word means thank you which is a final response to somebody expressing approval of your accomplishment, in effect thank you for your compliment. Thank you.

How do you use Bravo in a sentence?

Use “bravo” in a sentence | “bravo” sentence examples

  1. “Bravo, Rena!
  2. Howard Hawks hit paydirt with “Rio Bravo”.
  3. Thousands of Ukrainians burst into cries of “bravo” on the steps of the parliament.
  4. “Bravo, bravo,” chanted party workers crowded in the main hall.

Is Bravo French or Spanish?

Who says Bravo?

“Brava” to a single female performer, “Bravo” to a single male performer, “Brave” to many female performers (not even one male performer among them), “Bravi” to many performers if there is at least one male performer among them.

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Why do we use Bravo?

To express approval of by shouting “bravo.” The definition of bravo is something you say or shout when applauding or otherwise commending someone for a job well-done. An example of a time when you would say bravo is after a splendid performance.