
What does connecting together the NAND and NOR gates do?

What does connecting together the NAND and NOR gates do?

Inverting the output of a NOR gate (with another NOR gate connected as an inverter) results in the OR function. The NAND gate, on the other hand, requires inversion of all inputs to mimic the OR function, just as we needed to invert all inputs of a NOR gate to obtain the AND function.

When connecting the two inputs in a NAND gate OR in a NOR gate What is the equivalent gate?

A NOR gate is equivalent to an inverted-input AND gate. An OR gate is equivalent to an inverted-input NAND gate. Two NOT gates in series are same as a buffer because they cancel each other as A” = A.

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What happens if the two inputs of NOR gate are connected together?

The NOR gate is a digital logic gate that implements logical NOR – it behaves according to the truth table to the right. A HIGH output (1) results if both the inputs to the gate are LOW (0); if one or both input is HIGH (1), a LOW output (0) results. NOR is the result of the negation of the OR operator.

What are NAND and NOR gates called?

∴ NAND and NOR gates are called universal gates because they can be combined to produce any of the other gates like OR, AND, and NOT gates.

Can the NAND gate be connected with other gates to form the function of an OR gate if so show the connection of NAND’s for such a set up?

The Logic NAND Gate is generally classed as a “Universal” gate because it is one of the most commonly used logic gate types. By connecting them together in various combinations the three basic gate types of AND, OR and NOT function can be formed using only NAND gates, for example.

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What does NOR gate represent?

The Boolean expression for a logic NOR gate is denoted by a plus sign, ( + ) with a line or Overline, ( ‾‾ ) over the expression to signify the NOT or logical negation of the NOR gate giving us the Boolean expression of: A+B = Q.

Which is better NAND OR NOR gate?

In general, cells are designed to have similar drive strength of pull up and pull down structures to have comparable rise and fall time. NAND gate has better ratio of output high drive and output low drive as compared to NOR gate. Hence NAND gate is preferred over NOR.