
What does Ctrl Shift Y do?

What does Ctrl Shift Y do?

It is generated by holding Ctrl and pressing the Y key on most Computer Keyboards. In most Windows applications this keyboard shortcut functions as Redo, reversing a previous Undo. In some programs such as Microsoft Office it repeats the previous action if it was something other than Undo.

What is the opposite of Ctrl V?

With the C and V keys being next to each other on an English keyboard, you may mistakenly press Ctrl + V (paste) instead of Ctrl + C . If you do this, anything in the clipboard is pasted over the highlighted text. To undo this mistake, press Ctrl + Z (undo).

What is the opposite of Ctrl T?

Each press of the shortcut indents the hang one more tab stop. You can also use Shift+Ctrl+T to undo the indent by one tab stop.

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What does Ctrl K do?

Control-K is a common computer command. It is generated by pressing the K key while holding down the Ctrl key on most computer keyboards. In hypertext environments that use the control key to control the active program, control-K is often used to add, edit, or modify a hyperlink to a Web page.

What is command Y on a Mac?

Command-Y: Use Quick Look to preview the selected files. Option-Command-Y: View a Quick Look slideshow of the selected files.

What is Alt 4f?

Alt + F4 is a Windows keyboard shortcut that completely closes the application you’re using. It differs slightly from Ctrl + F4, which closes the current window of the application you’re viewing.

Is Ctrl C Copy?

Copy: Ctrl+C. Cut: Ctrl+X. Paste: Ctrl+V.

Is Ctrl P paste?

You’d need to have a non-intuitive print shortcut, and in that scenario you may well have ended up asking why Print is not Ctrl + P . If you really want to use separate hands for copying and pasting, you can use Ctrl + C for copying and Shift + Insert for pasting.

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What is Ctrl E in word?

Ctrl+E. Align the text to the left. Ctrl+L. Align the text to the right. Ctrl+R.

What does command Y do in Chrome?

Command+Y in an Internet browser In all major Internet browsers (e.g., Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari), pressing Command + Y will redo any previously-undone action.