
What does it mean to dream about someone you know but never met?

What does it mean to dream about someone you know but never met?

When we dream about people we’ve never met, according to Dr. Breus, it’s likely because we recently saw them or were reminded of them. So, if you recently had a dream about Liam Neeson, it might not be because he’s your soulmate, it might be because you watched one of his movies last week and forgot about it.

Why did I have a dream about a guy I know?

A study found that 60\% of people dream about someone they know, and 95\% of those people dream about their current romantic partner at least once a month. The dreamer may be concerned about the other person, and may be dreaming about them because of some emotional state they are in at the time.

What does it mean if you dream about the guy you like?

Dreaming about someone you like, just means you want to be with the person. Call it attraction, infatuation, fascination, love or anything else. You secretly hope to be with the person you like and spend time with him/her.

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What does it mean if you dream about someone you like?

Dreaming about someone you like, just means you want to be with the person. Call it attraction, infatuation, fascination, love or anything else. You secretly hope to be with the person you like and spend time with him/her. Dreams help us uncover mysteries of life and may even have answers today regarding tomorrow.

Why am I dreaming about someone I used to like?

So when you dream about an old crush, it means that you are longing for something to give you similar joy and comfort. Your present partner may be the best one for you, but you may still feel that something is amiss. This primarily happens when you have not been able to really forget him or her.

Why did I dream of my crush?

“We tend to dream about what is on our mind the most,” says certified dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg. “Dreaming of your crush is absolutely normal and is often the way the subconscious mind explores the possibilities.” These dreams aren’t necessarily just about the person you’re actively crushing on, she adds.

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When u dream about a guy u like?