
What does it mean when a guy compliments your voice?

What does it mean when a guy compliments your voice?

It means he likes your voice. Anything else is conjecture. Ask him, if you’re interested. It’s possible he really likes you, but that was the only “safe” compliment he could share.

What does it mean if a guy wants to hear your voice?

Men and women tend to communicate at different levels. Women call just to hear the sound of a man’s voice, even over inane issues. Men typically call only when they need to receive or impart information. He wants to hear her voice, and he wants to know how she is doing.

When a man says its nice to hear your voice?

When a guy calls you and tells you that he is calling just to hear your voice, it usually means that he wants to communicate more often with you and you make him feel good by being available and answering his phone call. This sounds like someone who is interested in knowing you more and has feelings for you.

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What do you do when someone compliments your voice?

How to Accept a Compliment: 4 Ways To Respond Graciously

  1. Say “thank you.” Nothing else. For those who have been struck by impostor syndrome, the phrase “thank you” is almost always followed by the word “but.”
  2. Share an interesting detail.
  3. Ask a question.
  4. Return the love.

What does it mean when you’re attracted to someone’s voice?

As a result, women find men with lower-pitched voices more attractive. It’s the opposite for men, who are more attracted to women with higher-pitched voices, which is perceived as a marker for femininity. Attractiveness in the voice is important for the impressions we give our potential partners.

Can you fall in love with a voice?

As Zimmerman noted, a 2018 study found that both men and women altered their voices when speaking to prospective mates. If you can’t see the person you’re trying to fall in love with or will yourself to go on a date with, you’ll build a romantic illusion around their voice instead.

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What can you tell about a person by their voice?

Summary: A new study reveals a link between vocal characteristics and individual personality traits. Those with deeper voices were more dominant, extroverted, and tended to rank higher in sociosexuality. Researchers found no difference between men and women.