
What does it mean when your gallbladder is moderately distended?

What does it mean when your gallbladder is moderately distended?

Gallstones may become lodged in the neck of the gallbladder or in the bile ducts. When the gallbladder is plugged in this way, bile can’t exit. This may lead to the gallbladder becoming inflamed or distended. The plugged bile ducts will further prevent bile from traveling from the liver to the intestines.

What does gallbladder mildly distended mean?

It usually occurs when drainage from the gallbladder becomes blocked (often from a gallstone). It may be acute (come on suddenly) and cause severe pain in the upper abdomen. Or it may be chronic (multiple recurrent episodes) with swelling and irritation that occurs over time.

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What does gallbladder incompletely distended mean?

Collapsed,or incompletely distended bladder may only indicate that at time of examination bladder was not does not signify any disease,as bladder can be made distended or full by taking more liquid without voiding.

What does a distended bladder mean?

Term used to refer to urinary retention in the bladder due to its incapacity to void normally. It may occur because there is an obstruction or a loss of tone in the bladder muscles that fail to detect increased pressure exerted by urine. It is usually associated with pain and urge to urinate.

What causes gallbladder distention?

Your gallbladder becomes swollen and may become infected with bacteria. Less common causes include blocked bile ducts due to scarring, reduced blood flow to your gallbladder, tumors that block the flow of bile from your gallbladder, or viral infections that inflame your gallbladder.

What does it mean when your gallbladder is distended?

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A distended gallbladder is commonly caused by a blocked cystic duct, which is an outlet where the gallbladder fluids pass. The blockage is caused by gallstone. Sometimes, and in rare cases, swelling of gallbladder can occur without the presence of gallstone.

How long should you fast before a gallbladder ultrasound?

For an ultrasound of the gallbladder to be diagnostically useful one has to fast for at least six hours before the test. If he had eaten within that Read More Ask U.S. doctors your own question and get educational, text answers — it’s anonymous and free! Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours.

What happens to the gallbladder when the stomach is empty overnight?

If a patient is empty stomach overnight, the bile accumulates in gall bladder and it remains distended. After small fatless meal, some amount of bile remains in gall bladder, then it remians partially distended. Urinary bladder stores urine and after a specific amount, there is desire to urinate.

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Do I have sludge in my gallbladder?

Sometimes ultrasounds don’t show sludge, which is extremely small stones, rather like liquid mud. So, do get more tests. A CT is sometimes better for picking up the stones, too. So you could have sludge. A gallbladder isn’t distended for no reason.