
What does McKinsey look for in PEI?

What does McKinsey look for in PEI?

What do you need to do to pass the McKinsey PEI? There are many different questions used in the McKinsey personal experience interview, but they generally boil down to 3 key characteristics that the firm is looking for in its consultants: leadership, personal impact, and entrepreneurial drive.

How do I prepare for PEI?

  1. Make sure that you’ve prepared everything: A story about yourself, motivational questions and the three main stories – one for each of the skills the company wants to test you on – Personal Impact, Leadership, Achievement.
  2. Then go through each story and think of the additional questions the interviewer may ask.

How long should Pei answers be?

You should talk for about 5-10 minutes, depends on years of experience. Then allow the interviewer to ask some follow up questions. Also it should be done in very structual way.

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What does PEI stand for McKinsey?

At consulting firms like McKinsey, you will receive a personal experience interview (or McKinsey PEI). Sometimes an entire interview is devoted to these types of questions. Other times, you will receive 10 – 15 minutes of these kinds of questions before you get a case interview.

What Pei questions?

The McKinsey Personal Experience Interview (PEI) is asked in almost every McKinsey interview. While case interviews assess for problem solving and analytical skills, the McKinsey PEI focuses on assessing your personal qualities to determine if you would be a good fit for McKinsey.

How do you introduce yourself at McKinsey interview?

Start with a 1 sentence summary of your background, why you are relevant for McKinsey and what’s your unique selling point. Talk about 3-4 of your roles (may be professional, education, extracurricular), 3 sentences each. The more experienced you are the more you should speak about professional roles.

What is the dress code at McKinsey?

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The dress code for interviews at top consulting firms such as McKinsey, BCG or Bain is the professional business attire. Suits must be dark and neutral colored (black or dark gray is the best), with matching belts, socks and shoes. Accessories should be subtle.