
What does my build number mean?

What does my build number mean?

The first letter is the code name of the release family, e.g. F is Froyo. The second letter is a branch code that allows Google to identify the exact code branch that the build was made from, and R is by convention the primary release branch. The next letter and two digits are a date code.

What is a build number used for?

Build number corresponds to the specific month and year to which following software was released by mobile RnD team. Build number includes software version along with its released schedule.

What is the build number on a cell phone?

In the About phone/tablet menu, you should find your device’s Android version listed about 7 or 8 entries down. Scroll down to the bottom of this same menu, and the build number will be listed as the final entry—pretty simple, right?

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How do you read a build number?

In the Settings window, navigate to System > About. Scroll down a bit and you’ll see the information you’re after. Navigate to System > About and scroll down. You’ll see the “Version” and “Build” numbers here.

Does build number matter?

build number does not matter per se, but it is an easily trackable indication. For example, some devices are available for different carriers. Some carrier has locked bootloader, or other complications, and another does not.

What’s a build number on an Android phone?

The build ID provides information such as the platform release, code branch, and date the release was branched from or synced with the development branch. Note: To download factory images, drivers, and full OTA images for Nexus and Pixel devices, refer to the Android Developer site.

What is build number in Android phones?

How do I find the build number on my Android?

Find your Android Build number

  1. Google Pixel: Settings > System > About phone > Build number.
  2. Samsung Galaxy S8 and later: Settings > About phone > Software information > Build number.
  3. LG G6 and later: Settings > About phone > Software info > Build number.
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Where is my build number?

1 Go to “Settings”, then tap “About device” or “About phone”. 2 Scroll down, then tap “Build number” seven times. Depending on your device and operating system, you may need to tap “Software information”, then tap “Build number” seven times.

Is build number unique?

A build is a software version for a specific device – hence a build number is of course not unique. All devices with the same software version will have the same build id.

What is build number in Samsung?

Procedure. Go to Settings. Tap About phone or About Device. Tap Software Information. Information will be listed under Build Number.

How do I disable build number?

  1. Open your android phone’s settings by clicking on the silver gear.
  2. Tap ‘Developer Options’ in the settings menu.
  3. Tap the slider button at the top right of the screen Off.