
What does no significant response mean on polygraph?

What does no significant response mean on polygraph?

No Significant Response (NSR): A favorable opinion regarding the outcome of a security screening polygraph or PCASS examination based upon test data analysis for all the relevant questions in a completed test series.

Is an inconclusive polygraph a fail?

First, keep in mind inconclusive polygraph results aren’t necessarily a bad thing. Because a polygraph can’t really tell if you’re lying – it simply measures physiological response to fact-based questions – a number of factors could result in inconclusive results.

What are the results of a polygraph test?

A polygraph, popularly referred to as a lie detector test, is a device or procedure that measures and records several physiological indicators such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity while a person is asked and answers a series of questions.

What is the significance of polygraph in criminal investigation?

The primary purpose of the polygraph test in security screening is to identify individuals who present serious threats to national security. To put this in the language of diagnostic testing, the goal is to reduce to a minimum the number of false negative cases (serious security risks who pass the diagnostic screen).

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How accurate is a polygraph test?

There have been several reviews of polygraph accuracy. They suggest that polygraphs are accurate between 80\% and 90\% of the time. This means polygraphs are far from foolproof, but better than the average person’s ability to spot lies, which research suggests they can do around 55\% of the time.

How accurate is polygraph test?

Can being nervous cause you to fail a polygraph?

According to a report from the National Academy of Sciences, “[a] variety of mental and physical factors, such as anxiety about being tested, can affect polygraph results – making the technique susceptible to error.” Unfortunately, once you have failed a government polygraph test, there may be little you can do to …