
What does NOx emissions stand for?

What does NOx emissions stand for?

nitrogen oxides
Nitric oxide (NOx) NOx is a common designation of nitrogen oxides NO and NO2. NOx is also responsible for smog and the typical brown cloud that covers larger cities and produces poor air quality. NOx emissions contribute to acid rain and formation of ground-level ozone that can damage ecosystems, animal and plant life.

What is the symbol of NOx?

Meet the Nitrogen Oxide family: NOx, NO and NO Meet nitrogen, commonly referred to simply with the chemical symbol N. When two nitrogen atoms bond together, they form nitrogen gas (N2). Nitrogen gas is odourless, colourless and tasteless.

What is the unit of NOx?

The most common NOX unit is “ppmv” or parts per million by volume.

How are NOx emissions measured?

In practice, the main methods employed for the measurement of NOx are infrared, chemiluminescence and electrochemical. Infrared analysers measure the absorption of an emitted infrared light source through a gas sample.

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Who is Nix?

nix, also called nixie, or nixy, in Germanic mythology, a water being, half human, half fish, that lives in a beautiful underwater palace and mingles with humans by assuming a variety of physical forms (e.g., that of a fair maiden or an old woman) or by making itself invisible.

Who is Hecate?

Hecate was the chief goddess presiding over magic and spells. She witnessed the abduction of Demeter’s daughter Persephone to the underworld and, torch in hand, assisted in the search for her. Thus, pillars called Hecataea stood at crossroads and doorways, perhaps to keep away evil spirits.

What is NOx ppm?

The primary nitrogen pollutants produced by combustion are nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and are generally referred to collectively as NOx. Instruments which measure NOx generally read in Parts Per Million (PPM).

How do you calculate NOx from NO and NO2?

What does NOx mean?

  1. What does NOx mean?
  2. ONLY an NO Sensor fitted:
  3. NOx = SUM: NOx in mg/m3 = NO in ppm multiplied by 1.34 plus NO2 in ppm multiplied by 2.05.
  4. NOx = NO: NOx in mg/m3 = (NO in ppm plus NO2 in ppm) multiplied by 1.34.
  5. NOx = NO2:
  6. ONLY an NO2 Sensor Fitted.