
What does pad stand for on a train?

What does pad stand for on a train?

PADS (Parts and Drawings System) is owned by SERCO and the data is managed by Network Rail. This includes the creation and revision of PADS numbers. There are more than 85,000 products accepted for use on our infrastructure.

What are pad items?

Tampons, Pads, and Other Period Supplies

  • pads (or sanitary napkins)
  • tampons.
  • menstrual cups.

What is PAD items in Irctc?

IRCTC. Categories of Empanelment (PAD) Category A Special: The suppliers empanelled in this Category are eligible for supplying items in Premium Trains such as Rajdhani, Shatabdi, Duranto, Vande Bharat, Gatimaan, Tejas, and other Mail/Express trains including all static units of IRCTC.

What does Orr mean?


Acronym Definition
ORR Office of Response and Restoration (NOAA)
ORR Old Rochester Regional (Massachusetts)
ORR Objective Response Rate
ORR Open Records Request (various locations)
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What is Pam railway?

Punctuality Module (PAM):For Post facto analysis of punctuality loss and its causes (not an on-line system), Captures train running at Originating/ Terminating and interchange points and the causes of detention.

What does the first C stand for in Irctc and Indian Railway subsidiary?

First “C” stands for “Catering” in IRCTC, an Indian Railways subsidiary. Explanation: IRCTC abbreviated as Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation.

What is wagon type?

O : Open wagon (gondola) C : Covered wagon (boxcar) F : Flat car. FK : Flat car for container transport. FU : Well wagon.

What is OORR?

Definition. OORR. Orbicularis Oculi Reflex Responses. Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.

What is Orr clinical trial?

The tumor objective response rate (ORR) is the assessment of the tumor burden (TB) after a given treatment in patients with solid tumors and has a long history. The ORR is undoubtedly an important parameter to demonstrate the efficacy of a treatment and it serves as a primary or secondary end-point in clinical trials.

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What is Fois Indian railway?

The Freight Operations Information System (FOIS) was the first project which CRIS embarked upon. FOIS began as an application to track and monitor the movement of wagons, locomotives and unit trains.