
What does por stand for in finance?

What does por stand for in finance?


Acronym Definition
POR Profit on Return
POR Packet Out-Of-Order Delivery Ratio
POR Project Officer’s Report
POR Pechala Overall Rating (finance)

What is KLO in project management?

On-going Maintenance/Support Work, sometimes referred to as Business as Usual (BAU) or “Keep the Lights On” (KLO) This capability block will ensure that there is a process in place to capture the demand for on-going work and to manage the resource commitments to this work.

What does GLA mean in banking?

“GLA” means gross leasable area.

What does Per stand for in project management?

PER. Project Execution Requirements (employment)

What does Por mean in real estate?

Price on application – Wikipedia.

What is POR number?

The Proof of Registration (PoR) card were issued by NADRA, Government of Pakistan for identity purpose and provides temporary legal stay and freedom of movement for 1.4 million registered Afghan refugees in Pakistan, out of which 164,254 registered Afghan population are living in Punjab.

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What is the full form of KLO?

The Kamtapur Liberation Organisation (abbreviated KLO) is a far-left militant organisation based in Northeast India whose objective is to liberate the Kamtapur nation from India.

What is GLA in property?

GLA in CRE is an abbreviation for gross lettable area, or gross leasable area. Also known as “rentable area” (or RBA), it It is normally expressed as square meters or square feet.

What is included in gross leasable area?

Gross Leasable Area means the floor area of a building, plus the horizontal area contained within the exterior of the basement walls, excluding the floor areas of mechanical and utility rooms, public washrooms, stairwells, and elevators; Sample 1.

What is included in a por?

POR consists of four components, which are related to the basic steps of the problem-solving process: (1) establishment of a database; (2) listing of specific prob- lems, each of which is assigned an identifying number; (3) development of an action plan to address each problem; and (4) implementation of the plan.

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What is a POR in nursing?

Problem-Oriented Record. (POR) an approach to patient care record keeping that focuses on the patient’s specific health problems requiring immediate attention, and the structuring of a cooperative health care plan designed to cope with the identified problems.