
What does slang radical mean?

What does slang radical mean?

b : favoring extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions. c : associated with political views, practices, and policies of extreme change. d : advocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs the radical right. 4 slang : excellent, cool.

Who uses the word rad?

The definition of rad is slang for an excellent person or thing. An example of rad is a bright sunny day spent with friends; a rad day.

When did radical become slang?

And then at some point—specifically, the 1960s—the surfers showed up. The authoritative Green’s Dictionary of Slang reports the “excellent, cool” use to have originated in surfer jargon but to have come from the “basic, essential, from the roots” meaning of radical.

Is rad outdated?

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“Rad” is yet another synonym for cool, and teens say it’s totally out-of-touch. In fact, it hasn’t been trendy since the 1990s. “Rad” is yet another synonym for cool, and teens say it’s totally out-of-touch. In fact, it hasn’t been trendy since the 1990s.

What does RAD mean slang?

rad. adjective. Definition of rad (Entry 2 of 3) slang. : cool sense 7, radical.

What does RAD mean in medical terms?

Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is a condition in which an infant or young child does not form a secure, healthy emotional bond with his or her primary caretakers (parental figures). Children with RAD often have trouble managing their emotions. They struggle to form meaningful connections with other people.

Does rad mean radical?

An adjective derived from the word “radical,” rad also means good, great, awesome, okay!

What does totally rad meaning slang?

[also more rad; most rad] US slang. : very appealing or good. The party was totally rad. [=awesome, cool]

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Where did the slang term Rad come from?

The meaning “unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation” is by 1954, an acronym from radiation absorbed dose. As shortened form of radical (n.), it is attested in political slang from 1820. Teen slang adjectival sense of “extraordinary, wonderful” is from late 1970s (see radical (adj.)).