
What does the graph for Boyles Law indicate?

What does the graph for Boyles Law indicate?

The graph of V against 1p is a straight line through the origin. This means that the measured volume is inversely proportional to the pressure — Boyle’s Law.

What is the relationship between the variables in Boyles Law?

Boyle’s law states that the volume of a given mass of gas varies inversely with the pressure when the temperature is kept constant. An inverse relationship is described in this way. As one variable increases in value, the other variable decreases.

What do the subscripts in the Boyle’s Law equation represent?

where P is the pressure, V is the volume, and the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the initial state before and the final state after the pressure-volume change, respectively. Conversely, as the voloume decreases, the pressure increases.

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How does Boyle’s law describe the relationship between gas pressure and volume quizlet?

How does Boyle’s law describe the relationship between gas pressure and volume? 3. At a constant temperature (when the temp doesn’t change) when gas pressure is increased gas volume decreases. This is an inverse relationship (because as one (pressure) gets bigger the other (volume) gets smaller or vice versa).

What relationship do pressure and volume have?

The Relationship between Pressure and Volume: Boyle’s Law As the pressure on a gas increases, the volume of the gas decreases because the gas particles are forced closer together. Conversely, as the pressure on a gas decreases, the gas volume increases because the gas particles can now move farther apart.

What is the term that is used to describe the relationship between pressure and volume?

This relationship between pressure and volume is known as Boyle’s law, after its discoverer, and can be stated as follows: At constant temperature, the volume of a fixed amount of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure. Figure 6.3.

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Which of the following best describes the relationship between pressure and volume?

This relationship between pressure and volume is known as Boyle’s lawA law that states that at constant temperature, the volume of a fixed amount of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure., after its discoverer, and can be stated as follows: At constant temperature, the volume of a fixed amount of a gas is …