
What does the s4 do in Jrotc?

What does the s4 do in Jrotc?

The battalion logistics or supply officer is responsible for the maintenance, security, record keeping, issue, and turn-in of all U.S. government property (except ordnance). The S-4 coordinates the securing of property with the S-2.

Who is the color guard commander?

A US colour guard is made up of a “Color Sergeant” carrying the National Colours and serves as the unit commander, a unit or command colour bearer, and two colour escorts carrying rifles and/or sabres. If multiple colours are carried, multiple colour bearers may be needed.

What is XO in Jrotc?

The cadet battalion executive officer (XO) supervises, directs, and coordinates the cadet battalion staff to prevent overlapping efforts and to ensure that the commander’s desires are understood and achieved. The cadet battalion XO assumes command of the cadet battalion in the absence of the cadet battalion commander.

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What is an S5 in Jrotc?

Special Projects Officer (S-5) acts as the contact between the corps of cadets and all news media and student publications. This officer publicizes as many of the activities of the Army JROTC program as possible to create an outstanding image of the cadet battalion and to reinforce the image of the school.

How many cadet officer ranks are there in Jrotc?

six Cadet officer ranks
The Cadet Ranks ROTC has six Cadet officer ranks. The ranks themselves come from British tradition, and the insignia resemble British, European, and colonial insignia. Cadet second lieutenants—the most junior of the officer ranks—wear a single disc or dot.

What is the difference between a Color Guard and an honor guard?

Colors, or flags, are often carried by both, but the primary purpose of the Color Guard is to present the National Colors at a presentation or ceremony. The Honor Guard may present the Colors, but their main purpose is to present a contingent to bear honors at ceremonies or funerals.

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What is Jrotc Color Guard?

The competitive Color Guard is an extracurricular Army JROTC team responsible for presenting the flag in a variety of settings. The members of the Color Guard practice drill and ceremonies, proper wearing of the uniform as well as the proper ways to show respect to our nation’s flag. Competitive seasons are Dec-March.

How do you address a cadet in the Army?

All cadre and cadet officers are addressed as “SIR”/”MA’AM”. As a general rule, “Sir”/”Ma’am” is used in speaking either officially or socially to any senior. The word is repeated with each complete statement. “Yes” and “No” should always be accompanied with “Sir”/”Ma’am”.