
What does the symbol do in SAS?

What does the symbol do in SAS?

A SAS operator is a symbol that represents a comparison, arithmetic calculation, or logical operation; a SAS function; or grouping parentheses. SAS uses two major types of operators: prefix operators. infix operators.

What does @@ mean in SAS input?

@@, a double trailing @, holds the input record for the execution of the next INPUT statement across iterations of the DATA step. Thus, the INPUT statement for the next iteration of the DATA step continues to read the same record (line).

What does it mean in SAS?

Special Air Service
The SAS is a group of highly trained British soldiers who work on secret or very difficult military operations. SAS is an abbreviation for ‘Special Air Service’. [British]

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Is null in SAS?

The NULL function has one argument, which can be an expression. If the expression is null, the function returns 1 . If the expression is not null, the function returns 0 . For more information, see the NULL Function in SAS DS2 Language Reference and the NMISS Function in SAS DS2 Language Reference.

What does colon mean in SAS?

5) Colon Modifier: Colons are used in the input statement for reading unorganized as well as unorganized data. For example, the statement “input name : $7.” means that SAS will read the observation from column one up to the occurrence of the first delimiter with a length of 7.

What is do while in SAS?

The DO WHILE statement evaluates the condition at the top of the loop; the DO UNTIL statement evaluates the condition at the bottom of the loop. Note: If the expression is false, the statements in a DO WHILE loop do not execute.

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What is DSD SAS?

DSD (delimiter-sensitive data) specifies that when data values are enclosed in quotation marks, delimiters within the value are treated as character data. The DSD option changes how SAS treats delimiters when you use LIST input and sets the default delimiter to a comma.

What is SAS method?

Advertisements. The input methods are used to read the raw data. The raw data may be from an external source or from in stream datalines. The input statement creates a variable with the name that you assign to each field.